Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New financial year, new beginnings

I will start my simple story as of NOW.

Now represents a new beginning in my wise, relationship wise and more importantly, my own life. Just turned 25, perspectives and priorities changed so are my needs.

It's such a jungle out there, the need to survive and the ability to survive must be cultivated for one to actually survive, let alone thrive. I have a vision to succeed in all areas of my life, and I will do it right - failures won't stop me neither will anyone.

I am currently on my break, having changed my job. I have worked for PwC for almost four years now and not sure if it's God's plan, but I feel it is and it is also time for me to move on to something, not necessarily bigger things, but definitely something that I need to do. So, Sara Lee Australia, here I come.

I have been to Hongkong, Singapore and Jakarta during my break. Had a blast in Hongkong, an okay time in Singapore and a breakthrough in Jakarta. I will try to show pictures when I have got access to my new laptop. Til then, enjoy the readings.

Virgin Entry

Greetings to All.

It is my first entry to the world of blogs - in my opinion the best way to share and remember one's experience in this world.

For all of you my friends and other readers, you will find the following in mine:
- good food and good wine, including personal reviews on restaurants
- love, relationship matters
- career
- travelling tips and experiences
- business ventures and ideas
- and many more
- more importantly, a simple story about a simple boy trying to make it big in this world.

So, here I begin. Enjoy.