Monday, August 20, 2007


I am totally hooked on this blogging thing! I feel liberated...well, sort of!

One of my great interest is in wealth creating/accumulation...who doesn't hey? Well, maybe there are..but that's not the point..:-) So, being out of the professional service firm where independence has been a deterrant for me to invest, I have now started to invest in some shares. For those of you who aren't aware of what's happening to the economy as we speak now (August 2007), there has been this huge downfall in the share market and economy as a whole as we see the falling sub-prime mortgate market. U can read up what that means, but in effect, the crisis caused the share prices to go down as the cost of lending have increased and people are panicking and selling off their shares in companies that have lots of debt. I got to say tho that people are not selling sensibly. There are shares out there that are not affected even a tiny bit by the increase in lending rates, but the share price have dropped signif in the last couple of days...So, in this event, what does that mean? BARGAINS!!!

So buy up guys...for those with extra savings....coz there are some shares for the picking. Of course, you got to do a bit of the financials, management composition and experiences, products and services, etc....If it's a good company with good management and financials, the drop in the share price in this present time will only mean it has become a bargain and it's a matter of time that the price will go up again.....Genius isn't! Really fun!

Stocks that I personally am monitoring are as follows:
- Allco Finance Group (AFG) (btw this share has gone up by 20% in the last day or so and it's bound to have long term growth - so, this stock suits short term as well as long term buyers)
- Macquarie Bank Limited (MBL) - this stock is terribly cheap!! It was only a few months ago this stock almost reach the $100/share mark. Now, it's only selling for $70! Come on! Who doesn't know about the poweress of Macq bank and it's employees. They are sure money-making machine and at $70, it's a bargain.
- The major banks - they are all good buy for the long term......
- More riskier ones: API, LGL and other resource stocks as they go up and down like a yoyo but then again, there are short-term money making opp there. For example, LGL which is Lihir Gold, the price always flux based on Gold Price and the range of price has been around $2.70 to $3.20. So, just buy it when it reaches $2.70. Nine of out Ten, the price will go up to $3.20. That's when you sell it. And when it dropped to $2.70, buy it again...and so on....Easy money!!! Of course, you can't be too complacent without reading the market and gold price...So, be smart...

A point to note: I am making the above recommendation based on my experience and research and by no means, a done deal! As common-sense, I do not hold any responsibility for any unexpected change or movement that may cause significant loss :-)...

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